About Daniel Wong

Daniel Wong 生於加拿大,童年在蘇格蘭度過,而後旅居於香港、台灣、倫敦及米蘭。Daniel Wong 深邃的輪廓來自於他的混血血統,曾效力於 Alexander Mcqueen,在此期間為品牌早春/秋系列設計鞋履,同時為Lady GaGa的Bad Romance音樂錄影帶創作鞋款。之後在 Versace 擔任首席視覺設計師設計範疇包含男女裝成衣及高級訂製服系列。

在米蘭和巴黎時裝週期間,Daniel Wong已經創作超過10個不同的系列,並且為許多藝術家及歌手設計服裝,包含Nicki Minaj、Anna Wintour、Heidi Klum、Halle Berry,以及Lady GaGa巡迴演唱會在全世界曝光的服裝。

Daniel Wong以「探索」定義其作品的態度和想法,並以強烈卻細緻的視覺印花呈現,於 2014 年擔任鑫囍國際總經理,並創立「 Daniel Wong 」同名服裝品牌,自創立品牌以來,Daniel Wong不斷挑戰突破,堅持打造更勝以往的時尚盛宴!

而後更是結合了時尚,從異業合作、產品設計、NFT專案、策展規劃、IP創作到更多的品牌創立,Daniel Wong以更多的角度呈現其現代及自信的美學風格。

Born in Canada and spent his childhood in Scotland living in Hong Kong, Taiwan, London and Milan these hybrid influences are the strong foundation of Daniel Wong’s bold visual images.

After graduating from central St. Martins in London he gained the opportunity to work for Alexander McQueen in London where he was involved in designing shoes for the runway and pre collections. During this time he worked on the plato's Atlantis runway show shown in Paris, which includes the shoe for Lady Gaga in her bad romance music video.

Exploring for new horizons, Daniel Wong traveled to Milan and embarked on his MA in Istituto Marangoni. During this time he was discovered by Versace, Which he started working for. After graduating Daniel Wong became the main Print designer for the Versace House that includes Women's Men's wear runway and also Haute Couture collections. Throughout this time he worked on over 10 different collections all shown in Milan or Paris fashion week, he was also fortunate to design for many artist and singers including Nicki Minaj, Anna Wintour, Heidi Klum and Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball world tour costumes which was seen all over the world.

Designer Daniel Wong defines his work with an attitude and philosophy centered around "exploration." He showcases his creations through bold yet intricate visual prints. In 2014, he took on the role of General Manager at Jollify.co and subsequently founded the fashion brand "Daniel Wong." Since the establishment of his brand, Daniel Wong has consistently challenged boundaries, steadfast in his commitment to creating a fashion extravaganza surpassing previous achievements. Beyond fashion, he has ventured into diverse collaborations, product design, NFT projects, curation planning, IP creation, and more, presenting his modern and confident aesthetic from various perspectives

經歷 Career

- 2008年畢業於中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院(Central Saint Martins) 。

- 2009年服務於全球最頂級之家具公司Established SONS Great Britain發揮其工業設計之長才並於米蘭參與商品開發與展出。

- 2009-10年服務於 ALEXANDER MQUEEN擔任鞋履設計師,參與服裝秀的鞋款設計以及銷售系列,包含 Mcqueen 在世時最後一場服裝秀 Platos Atlantis。

- 2010年服務於倫敦最著名的活動公司SOUVENIR,創作舞台設計,主要視覺/道具搭建。

- 2010-2011年,於米蘭 Istituto Marangoni 攻讀碩士學位,並以第一名優異成績畢業。

- 2011-2013年,服務於米蘭精品Versace,擔任首席印花設計師,包含女裝,男裝及高級訂製服,主導所有時裝秀印花系列及銷售系列創作印花及刺繡圖驣用於所有衣服上,參與多場國際級頒獎典禮名人服裝設計。

- 2014年,擔任鑫囍國際總經理,並創立「 Daniel Wong 」同名服裝品牌。同年11月,首季發表 EXPLORE探索系列。

- 2015年3月發表第二季 NAVIGATE星際之旅系列,同年10月發表第三季 THE SEARCH搜尋系列。

- 2016年3月發表第五季 BEYOUND跨越系列,4月於上海時裝周 發表第六季 ODYSSEY奧德賽系列,9月Daniel Wong 全球首家概念店插旗台北信義區以及Home Cllection 居家系列推出。

- 2018年4月發表第七季 WILD TRIBE狂野部落系列,同年12月發表第八季 STARTING FROM 294 愛丁堡狂想曲系列。

- 2019年5月發表第九季 IN BLOOM綻放系列,6月品牌創立超過100款IP印花並發表啟程Journey to 100,7月發布Vlog 「狂野生活 第一季」首發,10月舉辦「台灣設計展超級南」之超級狂服裝秀,11月發表第十季 REFINE 淬鍊系列。

- 2020年3月全新「夢想鞋履」系列登場並邀請6位風格人物參與演出,6月發表第十一季 Daniel Wong┃Club Designer Call of the wild野宴系列,7月發布Vlog「狂野生活 第二季」,11月獲得美國華特迪士尼授權米奇系列聯名IP,同月發表Daniel Wong┃Disney Fantasia 狂野夜想藝術展以及第十二季 Daniel Wong┃Disney Fantasia 狂野夜想系列

- 2021月5月第十三季「不見面在一起」BETWEEN字裡行間(與Windows10合作透過Microsoft Team首次於線上發表)以及全新直播談話節目 「今晚來一杯」誕生,同年12月第十四季 Daniel Wong┃Disney WILD REFLECTION 魔鏡系列。

- 2022年2月擔任屏東勝利星村遺構公園策展人,3月參與嘉義「舞時無刻品生活節」,4月發表第十五季 LOCHY CLAN發現系列以及Web 3.0 升級計劃 The Lochy Clan NFT 數位藝術,5月創立潮流的運動精品,主打兼具時尚與機能的運動服飾D.W SPORT 正式上線,6月擔任「潮澎遊 Wave Penghu」交通部觀光局澎湖旅遊影片行銷大使,9月擔任台東設計師週策展人,10月擔任屏東半島歌謠季計畫主持人並發表半島歌謠季城牆fashion show以及第十六季 返.動 re: Rebel。

- 2023年2月擔任屏東原民館 計畫主持人,3月發表Daniel Wong┃Warner Bros 狂野歷險記 WILD TRIP,7月發表Daniel Wong┃Warner Bros AWILD HARE狂野兔兔藝術品系列並舉辦其藝術展,10月屏東縣半島歌謠季城牆fashion show 榮獲日本GOOD DESIGN大獎以及屏東縣漫步眷村專案-榮獲 2023 美國MUSE Design Awards(美國繆斯設計獎) -銀獎,12月發表Daniel Wong┃Disney GOOD DAY 米奇雕塑藝術展。

- Graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in 2008.

- In 2009, worked at Established SONS Great Britain, a top global furniture company, showcasing industrial design talents and exhibiting products in Milan.

- From 2009 to 2010, served as a footwear designer at ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, contributing to shoe designs for fashion shows, including the final show "Plato's Atlantis."

- In 2010, worked with London's renowned event company SOUVENIR, creating stage designs and main visual/prop constructions.

- Attended Istituto Marangoni in Milan from 2010 to 2011, graduating with top honors.

- From 2011 to 2013, worked at Versace in Milan as the chief print designer, leading the creation of print and embroidery designs for women's wear, men's wear, and couture collections, participating in international award ceremonies for celebrity fashion designs.

- In 2014, became the general manager of Xinxi International and founded the clothing brand "Daniel Wong," debuting the EXPLORE collection in November of the same year.

- Released the second season, NAVIGATE, in March 2015, followed by THE SEARCH in October of the same year.

- Released the BEYOND collection in March 2016, followed by the ODYSSEY collection showcased at Shanghai Fashion Week in April. Opened the first Daniel Wong concept store in Taipei's Xinyi District and introduced the Home Collection.

- Released the WILD TRIBE collection in April 2018, followed by the STARTING FROM 294 collection in December of the same year.

- Released the IN BLOOM collection in May 2019 and launched over 100 IP prints, along with the "Journey to 100" campaign in June. Hosted the "Taiwan Design Exhibition Super South" fashion show in October and released the REFINE collection in November of the same year.

- Introduced the Dream Shoes collection in March 2020, followed by the CALL OF THE WILD collection in June. Launched the "Wild Life Season 1" vlog in July and collaborated with Walt Disney on the Mickey series in November, along with the Disney Fantasia exhibition and collection.

- In May 2021, debuted the BETWEEN collection in collaboration with Windows 10 via Microsoft Teams. Launched the talk show "Tonight, Let's Have a Drink." Released the Disney WILD REFLECTION collection in December.

- In February 2022, curated the Pingtung Victory Star Village Remains Park exhibition. Participated in the Chiayi "Dance Time, No Time" lifestyle festival in March. Released the LOCHY CLAN collection in April and launched the Web 3.0 upgrade project, The Lochy Clan NFT digital art. Introduced the trendy sports boutique D.W SPORT in May. Became the tourism video ambassador for "Wave Penghu" in June. Curated the Taitung Designer Week in September and hosted the Pingtung Peninsula Ballad Season project in October, along with the fashion show for the RE: Rebel collection.

- In February 2023, hosted the Pingtung Indigenous House project. Released the WILD TRIP collection in March, followed by the AWILD HARE art series exhibition in July. Won the Good Design Award in Japan for the Pingtung Peninsula Ballad Season fashion show in October and the Silver Award at the 2023 Muse Design Awards for the Pingtung County Strolling Army Village project. Presented the Disney GOOD DAY Mickey Sculpture Art Exhibition in December.